Advice, analysis and training

Strategic advice, analysis of developing policies, market access training, reimbursement dossiers, seminars, symposia and advisory boards are examples of how the experience of Lysiac can be deployed.

Expertise, insight and network

By providing relevant information, strategic insight and network, Lysiac helps in being successful based on common goals with other stakeholders.


In terms of access to new treatments, Lysiac works with stakeholders such as (pharmaceutical) industry, patients, government, health insurers, pharmacies, doctors and hospitals. For these different parties, different interests can be important. Different interests should not be denied, but bridged in order to achieve common goals.


Lysiac is specialized in issues surrounding access to treatment: market access, HTA, reimbursement, finance, budgets, tariffs and health economics. Despite procedural differences between the intramural and extramural system, the general principles for reimbursement and access for drugs, orphan drugs, biotech products, ATMPs, diagnostics and medical devices are alike.

Lysiac is working on the development of these policies as well as on the implementation in practice.


As Lysiac works with partners with complementary expertise and in a broad (international) network, Lysiac is agile in responding to demands by working on solutions in a tailored expert team. Complementary expertises include Regulatory Affairs, Medical Writing and Account Management.